The Simple Truths of Appreciation

“The Simple Truths of Appreciation- How Each of Us Can Choose to Make a Difference”


“The Simple Truths of Appreciation and Recognition—Low Cost or No-cost Ideas to Keep Employees Engaged”

In these tough economic times of having to do more with less, it is critical to find other ways besides money to keep employees engaged. Sixty-five percent of American workers said they received NO appreciation all last year for the good work they had done, yet the second most important thing people want from their jobs is full appreciation. In this inspiring session Barbara will share ten simple truths of appreciation as well as dozens of creative ways, at little or no cost, to keep employees happy and productive and which they can immediately apply in their work and in their lives. The beauty of appreciation is that we can each give it to anyone we choose for no cost except our awareness and a few moments of our time.

Learning Objectives: 

At the end of this session, participants will:

  • Learn the ten simple truths of appreciation.
  • Examine several models as a frame to understand the importance of appreciation in employee engagement and the choices they have to affirm others every day.
  • Explore many creative, no cost or low cost ways to appreciate and recognize employees.
  • Understand that Appreciation is a free gift and be inspired to become a more appreciative leader.

View a full 60 minute presentation titled, “Spreading Contagious Enthusiasm™ – Appreciation as a Happy and Healthy Way of Life” in front of a live audience at the Glenridge Performing Arts Center.