Video and DVD

Kindness Is…™

Kindness is a virtue. You might have heard that saying before. It’s especially true when working, serving or managing others.

This thought-provoking, powerful short video uses impactful imagery, video and music to encourage discussion on the importance of being kind and civil to one another.

$295 – Kindness is DVD

Click here to read more about this extraordinary new product.

Watch the Preview



Johnny the Bagger Training Kit

Johnny the Bagger: A True Story of Customer Service, celebrates the incomparable power of customer service delivered from the heart. Based on the work of noted author and speaker, Barbara Glanz, this 17 minute inspiring new program features the true story of “Johnny,” a young man with Down syndrome who made a positive choice about his personal responsibility to provide from-the-heart service and changed the culture of an entire organization.

Click here to read more about this extraordinary new product.

$795.00 – Johnny the Bagger video – Complete kit.

Complete Training Kit Components:

  • DVD Johnny the Bagger® (full length 17 minute video)
  • DVD Service from the Heart (4 minute video)
  • Facilitator Guide

Watch the DVD trailer


Johnny the Bagger® DVD only.

The Johnny the Bagger DVD is a full length, 17 minute video. Print materials, trainer support tools and online resources are not included in this special.

$695 – Johnny the Bagger DVD only.

Click here to read more about this extraordinary new product.

Watch the DVD trailer


Service from the Heart.

Enlighten your employees on the impact of unforgettable customer service with this engaging presentation of inspirational quotes and memorable music.

Based on the work of best-selling author, Barbara Glanz, this four-minute program shares the powerful truths about the positive difference from-the-heart service can make for everyone who does business with your organization.

Service from the Heart is also a perfect prelude or close to your weekly staff meetings or your Johnny the Bagger training experience.

When you purchase the Complete Training Kit for Johnny the Bagger, Service from the Heart is included on your DVD.

DVD or VHS (4 minutes) $295.00

Watch the DVD preview.


Handle with CARE – Motivating and Retaining Employees.

A 75 min. Live Presentation to the National Association for Employee Recognition, Dallas, Texas, June 2003.

DVD US format (NSTC) – $25