
Have FUN with our NEWEST product – $89.00 with FREE Shipping!

Home Package Bundle

5 of Barbara’s books:
  • Priceless Gifts
  • The Simple Truths of Appreciation
  • CARE Packages for the Home
  • 180 Ways to Spread Contagious Enthusiasm
  • What Can I Do?  Ideas to Help Those Who Have Experienced Loss
Inspirational notecards with Barbara’s posters
Smile on a Stick
Flamingo Water Bottle
Clear plastic bag

Business Package Bundle

5 of Barbara’s books:
  • CARE Packages for the Workplace
  • The Simple Truths of Service
  • 180 Ways to Spread Contagious Enthusiasm
  • Building Customer Loyalty
  • Balancing Acts
Live CD of Barbara’s presentation
Ideas booklet
Smile on a Stick
Clear plastic bag