The Creative Communicator 399 Ways to Make Your Business Communications Meaningful and Inspiring.


The Creative Communicator –
399 Ways to Make Your Business Communications Meaningful and Inspiring

McGraw-Hill: 1993; Revised 1998. – Currently out of print

The average American worker gets 274 communications a day, so we are all bombarded with information. This book is an idea-generating resource filled with hundreds of ideas that real-life individuals and organizations are using all over the world to creatively communicate their commitment to customer service and other organizational values in order to get their communications heard and heeded. It will “whack” your thinking and get your creative juices going! Some of the chapters are: Written; Electronic; Face-to-Face; Daily Affirmations; Rewards and Recognition; Enhancements and Reminders; Measurements; Recoveries; and Personal Executive Actions.

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