2 Book Special

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2 book special, only $12!

CARE Packages for the Home and Balancing Acts for one low price!

We have all been spending more time at home during this period of social distancing. These are TWO of Barbara’s favorite books that have many fantastic and practical ideas that you will be able to apply to your daily life. Order both today for only $12.00. It would be a great gift for a friend or co-worker who has been trying to juggle so much these past few months.

CARE Packages for the Home –
Dozens of Ways to Regenerate Spirit Where You Live

Andrews McMeel, August 1998.

In this book Barbara offers countless ways to help families forge more caring, creative and joyful places to live. Through ideas and stories from real-life families, schools, and neighborhoods, Glanz encourages readers to take action by adapting the ideas to their own families. Whether your family is a traditional family, a single-parent family, a blended family, an extended family, or a retired family, this book contains special ideas just for you! Oprah has requested a copy of this book for possible inclusion on her show.

“This book is a delight. We’ve got it out on a counter in the kitchen so that we can pick it up and read a bit any time we
want. It’s like taking an attitude boost or a little love bite every time I read it.”

Joe Calloway, Speaker Hall of Fame

Balancing Acts – More Than 250 Guiltfree, Creative Ideas to Blend your Work and your Life

Quit trying to balance your life – there is a better way! .In this quick-read, “how-to” book, Barbara suggests dozens of easy, effective, healthy ways to BLEND other areas of your life – Family, Friends, Health, Spirit, and Service – into your Work life. Each chapter is divided into:

  • Ideas that INDIVIDUALS can adopt to add more peace and joy to their lives.
  • Ideas that ORGANIZATIONS can promote and champion in their work/life programs, management styles, and policies and procedures to reduce stress and create employee loyalty.

Not only will it help banish guilt, but it is a great resource for both employees and employers alike.

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