The Power of Appreciation

Have you ever had a day when a phone call made your eyes water and your heart sing? When my phone rang on Monday, it was not a number I recognized, but something told me to answer it anyway. It was an 80 year old woman named Tamora from Tennessee. Her first comment was, “Is this a real person?”
She was so thrilled that I had answered and said she was calling to thank me for reminding her of her father who was an American Indian born in 1903 and the kindest man she had ever known. While going through chemo, she had gotten a copy of my book, “The Simple Truths of Appreciation”, and she said she had read it over and over to remind her to be like her Daddy. He used to say to her, “Even if you don’t agree with a person, always treat them with respect because they were created in the image of God.”
I was so touched, and we spent 30 minutes as she shared her life story. I got her address and have sent her another book as well as a note about how much her precious call meant to me, It was something her Daddy would have done, AND it was just exactly what I was writing about in the book.
I have always put my home telephone number at the back of all my books and over the years I have had so many touching calls. It is just awesome to me how many lives we touch that we have no idea about but even more awesome when people take the time to thank us. In fact, that is my idea of Heaven – we will see all those people. But…….just like Tamora, we can let them know right now. Whom should you call to thank today?
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