Barbara Glanz Christmas Letter and Collage 2020

Dear Friends,                                                                                                Christmas 2020

Well, I think we are all ready to see 2020 end!  It has been a year of lots of stress, anxiety and fear, yet also one of hope and new beginnings.  I have just finished the manuscript for a new book with the working title, “Exhausted, Confused, and Ticked Off – Hope for a New Beginning When Change Has Done You In!”  However, I think I am going to change the title from a negative to a positive, like “The Gift of Change – Letting  Go of the ‘Way It Was’ to Find a New Beginning.”  More and more each day I am realizing how important it is for us to focus on the blessings we have found in 2020 rather than dwelling on the losses. Focusing on the good things helps us stay positive and move forward rather than getting caught up in “what was.”  Here are some of the big changes in my life this year:

Travel – Frank and I were excited to take a wonderful, educational cruise to the Panama Canal in January, and that was the last trip I have taken all year.  I realized this is the longest I have been home since I first started my company in 1995!  However, I have found ways to use this time to organize my office, my home, and my life.  I gave away at least 17 boxes of files and another 15 boxes of books to the Florida Speaker’s Chapter, I organized all our photos, I went through my closets and drawers, I made several trips to Goodwill, and I threw out tons of paper and magazines.

Work – All my scheduled work cancelled because of the virus.  However, I have learned lots about Zoom and have given several virtual keynotes and lots of interviews.  After being a bit discouraged at first, I realized I can still bring hope to people with my social networking posts, my email newsletters, and my writing.

Friends – Although I greatly miss the social gatherings, lunches and dinners, and especially the hugs, I have found other ways to stay connected like my “100 Day Project.”  I decided since I finally had more time that each day for 100 days I would call someone who was important in my life at one time and with whom I have not spoken sometimes for many years.  I have contacted high school friends, college friends, old neighbors, former clients, and even found an old boyfriend or two!  And I have decided to continue this practice even after the 100 days since it has brought me so much joy.

Family – This has been the hardest thing to give up since I have not seen my kids and grandkids now for almost a year.  With the covid situation, none of us feel comfortable flying, so for the first time ever, we will be apart for the holidays. However, I find I am talking with them more by phone than ever before, and of course Zoom has made it feel almost like being in person.  (Think about what this year might have been like BEFORE the advent of Skype and Zoom!)

In one of my newsletters I wrote a short piece called “Will You Test Positive?”   These five things are all about CHOICES and whether we ultimately choose to live in Faith or to live in Fear.

  1.  Focus on GRATITUDE.  We can always find blessings in any circumstance if we are looking for them.  In my new book I use the statement, “All change comes bearing gifts.”  We simply need to look for those gifts (even though some may take a long time to realize) .
  2. Take appropriate action, be safe, and have some fun. I have found a whole fun wardrobe of masks, I have been creative about ordering online which fulfills my “shopping gene” ;-), and I have spent a lot of time outdoors.  I am very blessed to live on the beach and be able to walk and swim almost every day.  Even up north, though, you can walk most days to clear your mind and work off stress.
  3. Let go of worry. Think about what you have control over and what is out of your control. Then do what you can and let go of the rest. I have heard that worry is like a rocking chair – you rock and rock, but you never go anywhere!
  4. Use any extra time you have to sort, organize, read, write, and reconnect. I have read some wonderful books instead of going out to events, I have begun to play my piano again and write more in my journal, and of course I don’t think any of us  could have survived 2020 without Netflix! 😉
  5. As a person of faith, I pray and trust that God is in charge.

Garrett, Gavin, Ashley and Kinsey are in Redmond, WA.  Garrett has a new position with Amazon, Ashley is busy with their horse, Gavin is working 2 jobs and rebuilding cars and motorcycles, and Kinsey has started at the U of Washington.  She is doing well healthwise but still will have to have both ankles replaced at some point because of the cancer drugs.

Gretchen, Randy, Owen and Simon are in Portland where Gretchen is marketing manager for four boutiques and Randy is doing freelance web design.  Owen is a sophomore in high school, and Simon is in 8th grade.  They have been doing virtual school since March and playing LOTS of video games to stay connected with their friends!

Erin lost her job of 13 years due to covid in June, but she is starting a new mission-driven, fair trade accessories collaboration with @workshelter called “Collective Heart – Owned by Women, Made by Women, Loved by Women.”  50+ disadvantaged women in India are making bags, scarves, and clothing items to be sold in retail stores soon.  She is excited about this new opportunity.

I am winding down with my work and finding lots of joy in one-on-one connections. Every day I am grateful for my good health.   I pray that 2021 will find all of you safe, healthy, and thankful for your blessings.




Collage Pictures:

Row 1, left to right

Frank and I on one of the formal nights on our Princess cruise to the Panama Canal in January

Kinsey’s high school graduation picture

My new haircut

Holding an iguana in Ocho Rios

Simon, Kinsey and Owen

 Row 2

Virtual keynote on Zoom

Simon and Owen with “Granna BB”

Photo shopped creative family picture when I could not be with them all this fall

(Garrett, Erin, Ashley, Simon, Kinsey, Gretchen, Owen, Randy and ME being “carried!”)

 Row 3

Frank holding a boa constrictor in Ocho Rios

On the ship in the Cayman Islands

Frank and I in Cartagena, Colombia

Dressed up for the NSA Virtual Red Carpet event

 Row 4

The Dali exhibit at Selby Gardens

My May birthday

Family picture from Christmas 2019  (How I will miss being with them this year!)

(Gretchen, Kinsey, Simon, Ashley, me, Owen, Gavin, Garrett, Erin – Randy was taking the picture)

To learn more about Barbara’s work, go to