The Masked Society

Since worldwide we are all experiencing the effects of the coronavirus in various ways in our lives, a wonderful college friend of mine used her time to write a poem that I want to share with you.


Who are you behind

That mask?

Frightened of any

Spray through

The air that

The mask might not catch?

Afraid of each other,

Mom, Sis,

Dad and Brother.

Don’t hug or

Touch another.

This is a pandemic

That separates our

Souls and hearts.

How so we start


Solitude has become

A way of life,

Stay home….

Yes….you are safe.

Can’t roam…

No eating out, concerts

Or happy hour.

Learn to appreciate

A flower, or birds,

Feeding outside.

And wait……..

Judy Ellsworth, June 2020, San Antonio, TX