Will You Test Positive?

“Will You Test Positive?”

Currently, we are in the midst of a global crisis unprecedented ever before in our lifetimes.  As I observe the reactions of people around me, I am seeing a great deal of negativism and overwhelming fear.  Since I speak about the power of choice and making a difference wherever you may find yourself.  I have heard from a number of clients and friends expressing a need for positivity and hope, so let me share some thoughts with you.

I am honored to serve on the National Cabinet for the Guideposts organization (www.guideposts.org). This is a quote from its founder, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, the author of one of the bestselling books of all time, “The Power of Positive Thinking::”

A positive thinker does not refuse to recognize the negative; he refuses to dwell on it. Positive thinking is a form of thought which habitually looks for the best results from the worst conditions.

We are facing challenging conditions, but we must not dwell on them. When anxiety is at this level, we need to be inspired, given hope, and have faith in a larger plan.  I, for one,  am facing this crisis from this perspective. How about you?

 “FEAR knocked at the door. FAITH answered, and there was no one there.”

I think we all have a CHOICE to respond to these events from a foundation of faith or fear – it is up to us.  Here are some ideas about how to remain positive in the face of uncertainty:

  1. Focus on GRATITUDE.  Look for all the blessings you have in your liferight now instead of allowing fear to overwhelm you.  I keep a “Blessings Journal” and every night before I go to bed, I write down two or three blessings that have happened that very day. To begin, take a sheet of paper and write down every blessing you can think of in your life such as – family, friends, home, health, food, clothing, education, talents, financial security, country, and many others.   I think you will be amazed at the size of your list.

“One way of looking at your life will drain your energy.  The other way will give you a power  and a sense of good fortune that moves you toward faith and gratitude. You have one life, but you have two ways of looking at it.” ~ Martha Finney

  1. Take appropriate action. Certainly it is not wise to discount the seriousness of what is happening, so it is important to follow all the advice of those professionals who have studied this virus.  Washing your hands often, staying out of crowds and taking your vitamins are all important. Do whatever you can within your sphere of influence and then try to relax and enjoy the GIFT of life you have been given.

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” ~ Martin Luther

  1. Let go of worry. Instead, think about what you DO  have control over and focus on those things.   Worry uses up our energy and drags us down. It is like a rocking chair – It take a lot of energy, but it doesn’t get us anywhere

“Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.  IF encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” ~ A.S. Roche

  1. Use this time as a “Plateau time.”  What are things you have been wanting to do but just never seem to have the time?  Sort, simplify, read, write, rest, and most importantly, RECONNECT with people who are important to you. This time of isolation can be a precious gift in your life if you regard it in that way.

“Tomorrow is not promised, nor is today.  So I choose to celebrate every day I’m alive by being fully present in it. ~ Oprah Winfrey

  1. Pray and Trust.   Put your faith in whatever you choose as the foundation of your life and trust the outcome.  Prayer is the mightiest weapon we have against fear and negativity..  It is a simple vehicle of hope.

Now, will YOU text POSITIVE????  It is your choice!

For more information on Barbara’s work, go to www.barbaraglanz.com