RISE – A Company to Emulate!

I recently had the privilege of speaking to RISE, a real estate company that provides housing for college and university students. They are a company of strong values, and their byline is LOVE, CARE, SERVE.

One of the things that I most admire is that they truly do LIVE their company motto. For example, they put a Bible on the bed of every student’s room because their company is built on a foundation of faith.

The CEO attended and actively participated in the entire meeting which sent a strong message of equality and teamwork. Employees are active in their community and give back in many ways. The time I spent with them involved a half day of putting bicycles together for underprivileged children.

I LOVED my time with them! The meeting theme was IMPACT, so everything was about how each person could impact others in both their lives and their work.

I began the day by giving the opening keynote on “Spreading Contagious Enthusiasm™’ – Creating Workplaces of Passion, Purpose and Productivity.” This presentation uses the acronym CARE as the elements of a spirited, engaged workplace:


C = Creative Communication

A = Atmosphere and Appreciation for All

R = Respect and Reason for Being

E = Empathy and Enthusiasm


Following that, they had a fun video, and everyone got a bright green stretch band to join in the exercise.

Later they had me do a workshop on “The Simple Truths of Service Inspired by Johnny the Bagger®,” I began with a teambuilding exercise called “Commonalities and Uniquenesses” which caused wonderful sharing and lots of laughs. Everyone learned new things about their co-workers.

That afternoon they had a scavenger hunt to learn about the history and culture of the city of Savannah, so the meeting was filled with both the Human and the Business levels.


Not only did they give every attendee a copy of my book, “180 Ways to Spread Contagious Enthusiasm™” which contains many more ideas they can use in their workplaces. but they exemplified their values and commitment to each human being by asking every employee before the meeting to share a word they chose as their personal focus for the following year – such things as ”Giving,” “Commitment,” “Peace,” “Renewal,” “Gratitude” and “Kindness,” Then a customized bracelet was presented to each person at the end of the meeting, an extremely personal and encouraging gift.


What impressed me deeply were all the appreciative and affirming comments and hugs I got from nearly every attendee – they immediately modeled what I had shared with them about appreciation and connecting on a Human level. Their spirit of caring, community, and serving was a JOY to see. How I wish more organizations could find that wonderful passion for their work. Helping them do that is truly my mission in life!

To learn more about how Barbara loves to help organizations create workplaces and lives of purpose, joy, and caring, go to www.barbaraglanz.com.