Little Things You Can Do in your Workplace to Appreciate People

I was deeply touched to receive this letter yesterday from Shirley Weigand from Elmira Savings Bank in Elmira, New York:


I have just finished reading your book, “CARE Packages for the Workplace,” and am happy to note that some of what you talk about are things that we already do here. In fact, you inspired me so much that this morning before work, I baked peanut butter cookies and brought them in and left them in our break room with a note saying, “I just felt like baking this morning, so please enjoy some cookies!” And every time someone called or emailed me to thank me for the cookies, I thanked them for what they do for me every day. It felt so good!”


What a wonderful, simple way to show your co-workers how much you appreciate them! (And if you do not like to bake, you could even bring cookies from the store or the bakery…;-) Thank you, Shirley, for sharing this idea with us.

What ideas do you have to make YOUR workplace more joyful and caring?

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