Spreading Contagious Enthusiasm™ – Creating Workplaces of Passion, Purpose and Productivity”

“CARE Packages for the Workplace —
Dozens of Little Things You Can Do to Regenerate Spirit at Work”


“ Spreading Contagious Enthusiasm™ —
Creating Workplaces of Passion, Purpose and Productivity”

Current research shows that only about 12 to 15% of American workers are giving their very best to their jobs. 8 to 10% are burned out with no life. However, that leaves 75 – 80% of our workforce who are just doing enough to get by. Just imagine what could happen to the productivity in your workplace if you could inspire those workers to do their very best!

Raise morale, reduce turnover, increase productivity, and have more fun at work – the wonderful news is that all this can occur in your workplace with very little cost. In this presentation you will learn how to create a work environment where people treat one another like valuable human beings with a sense of mission that their work is important and where appreciation and joy are present, no matter how serious the work may be.

Barbara will provide dozens of real-life, creative, low cost, immediately applicable ideas you can implement in your own workplace using the acronym CARE:

C = Creative Communication
A = Atmosphere and Appreciation for All
R = Respect and Reason for Being
E = Empathy and Enthusiasm

She will spread her “contagious enthusiasm” to maximize personal productivity and organizational success, and each participant will leave with a powerful understanding of the difference he or she can make every single day!


After attending this session, supervisors and managers will learn skills and ideas to:

  • Review new research on how workers feel about their jobs.
  • Learn the seven elements of a motivating workplace.
  • Identify with real-life frontline success stories.
  • Implement new ideas for better communication, appreciation, respect, and enthusiasm in their workplaces.
  • Understand their choices and the difference they can make every single day, no matter what their job may be
  • Have a list of available resources to refer to back on the job.
Products from Barbara that go hand in hand with this program are her books:
CARE Packages for the Workplace — Dozens of Little Things You Can Do to Regenerate Spirit at Work
Handle with CARE — Motivating and Retaining Employees