What do all customers want?
What do all customers want?
What do all customers want?
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Barbara Glanz is a speaker who embodies her own message – people remember how you make them feel. With inspiring stories of great customer service, underscored with a seemingly boundless level of energy, Barbara left our audience feeling ready to make a difference in the world. In an industry where every person we meet is a potential client or employee, her Simple Truths of Appreciation message is a terrific reminder that a little kindness can go a long way. I recommend Barbara for any audience who is involved with customer service, needs an injection of enthusiasm, or simply wants to learn how to make a difference in other people’s lives.
Bill Stoller, Founder, Chairman of the Board, and CEO,
Express Employment Professionals International Headquarters
Suffering and change are a part of life. We spend well over 50% of our lives today in change. “Transition” has become the norm and “stability” the exception. - James R. Zullo -
Barbara Glanz Communications, Inc. | 6140 Midnight Pass Rd., #802 | Sarasota, FL 34242
p 941-312-9169 | f 941-349-8209 | bglanz@barbaraglanz.com
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