What are some ways my company can become involved or give back to our community?
What are some ways my company can become involved or give back to our community?
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For those who find themselves stuck… in need of a broader vision, a narrowing of focus, a source of options to continue….Barbara’s coaching makes a difference. For those who need new ideas and workable solutions….Barbara’s coaching makes a difference. For those who need encouragement and a kick in the butt…Barbara’s coaching makes a difference. I know because I am one who received the gift of her expertise.
Jolene Brown
Professional Speaker, Author
Family Business Consultant
West Branch, IA
If God took away everything we haven’t thanked Him for, what would we have left? - Mark Twain -
Barbara Glanz Communications, Inc. | 6140 Midnight Pass Rd., #802 | Sarasota, FL 34242
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