Work is such a big part of my life. How can I help my family better understand my job
and be connected to that side of my life?
Work is such a big part of my life. How can I help my family better understand my job
and be connected to that side of my life?
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“I have followed in Barbara Glanz’ wake for years. Just this weekend I was facilitating a leadership conference where a county sheriff told a room full of elected officials and business leaders that his best tool in training young deputies was “The Simple Truths of Service — Inspired by Johnny the Bagger” authored by Barbara Glanz! Barbara can capture your heart and challenge your mind in the same sentence…she is a gift to leaders everywhere!”
Barry Banther,
Management Consultant
Former Chairman of the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities.
Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For indeed, that’s all who ever have. - Margaret Mead -
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