Products: Exhausted, Confused and Ticked Off! Hope for a New Beginning When Change Has Done You In!


Even though Change is rampant in our world today, most of us struggle with how to handle the constant changes in our work and lives. Change is hard, whether forced or chosen, predictable or unexpected. We are exhausted, confused and ticked off!

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Over the last years, I have realized how desperately we need to understand, accept, and thrive in the midst of unrelenting change in our world. The pandemic, job losses, working from home, home schooling, violent protests, devastating fires, hurricanes and floods, and the whole political scene are causing stress, overwhelming anxiety, fear, divisiveness, and a lack of focus.

Even though Change is rampant in our world today, most of us struggle with how to handle the constant changes in our work and lives. Change is hard, whether forced or chosen, predictable or unexpected. We are exhausted, confused and ticked off!

Change comes into our lives and unmoors us from our secure foundations and propels us from our comfort zones. We are forced to stretch, to learn new things, to let go of the “old” ways. We often come kicking and screaming to accepting pain and growing with change, but we can do it, and this book will help you discover how. We have to mourn and feel the pain, but then it is our choice to move on, and with that choice can come amazing gifts.

Resistance to change, we have discovered, is not about the head as much as the heart, less about facts than it is about feelings. We must learn not only to manage the processes of change but also the emotional aspects of dealing with change.

In order for us to move forward, we must learn to let go of the old ways and adjust to new ways of work and life. This practical, inspiring book will help you better understand the change process through a simple model that explains the specific phases one must go through to reach a new beginning.

Using many real life stories and examples, it will also inspire you to examine your feelings in the midst of change and choose what you want to do with those feelings. It discusses in simple ways the different kinds of change that can occur in our lives and the choices we have to either use the change to grow or to hold onto the past and stagnate. It asks, “Will you be a victim or a survivor?”

The book includes many easy, immediately applicable coping mechanisms to better navigate through each transition including daily coping tools, ideas for self-care, ways to focus on others, how to see with new eyes, and finally, ways to discover new strengths and opportunities as a result of each change.

Most importantly, it contains a CONTROL INVENTORY™ to apply as a strategic, concrete tool. It asks you three questions that clarify the entire process of change, and it will give you a new sense of understanding and control over all the changes you will face throughout your life. You will leave with the very powerful understanding that even though it is hard, all change really does come bearing gifts!