A new year is like a blank book. The pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Year 2015!
My friend and client, Arlin Sorenson, the CEO of the HTG Group, suggests we ask ourselves the following questions as we think about the year gone by:
1. Key Accomplishments. What are all of the great things that you got done over the past year? Which of your goals did you really miss the mark on? Which one is your key accomplishment?
2. Relationship Development. What new relationships did you develop? Which relationships have you overlooked or not given enough attention to?
3. Learning. What opportunities to learn new things did you take advantage of? What were the new things you learned about yourself?
4. Mistakes. What mistakes did you make? What mistakes could have been avoided?
5. Time Management. How well did you manage your time? Are there any significant “time wasters” that you need to reduce or eliminate from your life?
It is great to start 2015 on purpose with a purpose, and one of the best ways to do that is to contemplate the past year and then make a plan for 2015 in each of these areas.
I also choose a theme for each year. Last year my theme was “Rebuilding Relationships.” I realize with all my travel last year I developed many new relationships including a new man in my life, yet because of limited time, I neglected some others, many of which are very important to me. So my theme this year is going to be “Renewal” — renewal of relationships, my faith, my family, my health, and my business. What will your theme for 2015 be?
To learn more about Barbara’s work, go to www.barbaraglanz.com.