I love quotations, and I always leave a “Thought for the Week” on my answering machine, so I am always looking for good ones. I was delighted to find Bounty paper towels last week that were covered with these inspiring and fun thoughts:
* Let your dreams guide your steps.
* Laughter is life’s sunshine.
* Each life needs its own quiet place.
* Breathe in the joy of the moment.
* Smiles are for sharing; always carry a spare!
* Peace is a journey, not a destination.
* Discover the magic within yourself.
* Find the wonderful in today.
* Let the world surprise you every day!
* Gratitude is an attitude of love.
* Be beautiful. Be yourself.
* Make a difference.
* Dare to live well!
* Bless this mess!
* Good moods are contagious!
* Dance in the direction of your dreams.
Is there one you especially like? Just goes to show that you can find inspiration in MANY places! 😉

This is one of the flip charts my daughter, Erin, did for me. They really brighten a classroom or ball room!