New Program on Change


Barbara Glanz, CSP

“If they make one more change around here, I’m going to lose my mind.”

“I can’t BELIEVE they’re changing everything AGAIN!”

“When is it all going to stop? Why can’t we just go back to the way it used to be?”

Have you ever heard one of these statements? Have you ever said (or felt) any of these things? Then this program is for you!

Change is rampant in our world today, both in our personal and our professional lives. We are all bombarded with change, and it is clear that what happens at work impacts our personal lives, and what happens in our personal lives affects the way we perform at work. In order for people to move forward both in their professional and personal lives, they must learn to let go of the old ways and adjust to new ways of work and life.

Instead of being overwhelmed by unwanted changes, we can learn to be more open and deal more effectively with those difficult periods of transition between the ending of one thing in our lives and the beginning of something new.

This inspiring, interactive presentation will help you find greater job satisfaction and more personal happiness by enabling you to better understand the change process as well as your feelings in the midst of change. The workshop will include a CONTROL INVENTORY™ and a customized Action Plan as tools to use in managing any change in your life.

It will also provide new coping techniques to help you gain more control and perform at a higher level in a dynamic work environment that is fast-paced and ever-challenging.

• Reduced stress
• Greater job satisfaction, resulting in increased productivity
• Higher levels of personal happiness

“He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.” ~Harold Wilson

“I’ve developed a new philosophy… I only dread one day at a time.” ~Charlie Brown

“Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine.” ~ Robert C. Gallagher

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