Ever since I posted the blog, “Lost and Found,” just a few days ago about Sister Elizabeth Deceased and how she is committed to helping you find things that are lost, I have had a number of delightful emails of people sharing their stories about what she has helped them find. As I was telling a friend some of the stories tonight, he suggested that I write a book about them to memorialize Sister Elizabeth and at the same time give people a humorous but practical view of Heaven and the work we have to do IF we are lucky enough to “get in!”

Therefore, I am asking you to send your stories by email to bglanz@barbaraglanz.com . Sister Elizabeth has found everything from checkbooks and keys, money and documents, to houses and jobs, so do not give up hope if you are someone who has lost something important. Just say a prayer to Sister Elizabeth and then let us know what happens.

Here is a picture of her gravestone sent to me yesterday by my sister-in-law who was in the convent with her. Miracles have happened all because of a forgetful nun in Indiana!

Happy Finding!
