Dear Barbara,
Earlier today someone shared the “Johnny the Bagger®” video with me, and I was absolutely moved. You see, I had been festering over whether to take the best course I’ve ever created on relationship marketing and give it away for free as my way of helping business professionals through these tough economic times. I had even set up a page to give resale rights to chambers of commerce, available at
Everyone I had spoken to before watching the video had told me not to do it, but I was undecided until I watched the video. After hearing Johnny’s story I immediately decided to give this 12 hour course away for free to anyone who wants it. It’s the least I can do after what Johnny gave.
Thanks for sharing such an inspiring story. You and Johnny are both magnificent!
Warmest regards,
Glenn K. Garnes
With Glenn’s permission I am sharing this note with you to encourage you to think of ways you can share your expertise, experience, and knowledge to help make it a little easier for others who are struggling today. I have decided to volunteer to speak in Chicago in June at a fundraiser for MS. I was trying to decide if I could handle that in my busy schedule, and Glenn’s note encouraged me to make the final decision. I hope it will encourage you, too. Thanks, Glenn, for making my day, and for being willing to “be a Johnny!”
To view the full “Johnny the Bagger®” movie, go to