
“Exhausted, Confused and Ticked Off — Hope for a New Beginning When Change Has Done You In!”

Over the last few months, I have realized how desperately my clients need to understand, accept, and thrive in the midst of unrelenting change in our world.  The pandemic, job losses, working from home, home schooling, violent protests, devastating fires, hurricanes and floods, and the whole political scene are causing stress, overwhelming anxiety, fear, and a lack of focus.

Even though Change is rampant in our world today,  many people struggle with how to handle the constant changes in their work and lives. They are exhausted, confused and ticked off!  Resistance to change, we have discovered, is not about the head as much as the heart, less about facts than it is about feelings.  Workers must learn not only to manage the processes of change but also the emotional aspects of dealing with change.

In order for people to move forward, they must learn to let go of the old ways and adjust to new ways of work and life.  This practical, inspiring presentation will help people better understand the change process as well as their feelings in the midst of change. It will include coping mechanisms and a CONTROL INVENTORY™ to use as a strategic, concrete tool to manage change and to help them gain more control and perform at a higher level in a dynamic work environment.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand that the change process unfolds in recognizable stages and learn a new model for dealing with change.
  • Recognize that you have CHOICES to be proactive rather than reactive in how you deal with change
  • Understand the difference in response to Forced change and Chosen change and learn new skills to deal with both.
  • Appreciate that each person in the organization is going through his or her own individual transition process and learn skills to understand, coach, and facilitate this process.
  • Accept that there is both pain and creativity in the transition process.
  • Learn new coping techniques for managing these transitions..
  • Experience a framework involving both the rational and the emotional responses to change behavior.
  • Apply a CONTROL INVENTORY™ as a new tool to understand how to manage changes in your workplace.
  • Formulate an Action Plan to become more resilient towards change.

NOTE: This session can be customized for a team or an entire organization.